Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I did some reading today in 1 Peter which was exactly what I needed.  The past few months my faith has grown tremendously and my connection with God has sky rocketed.  I began to think about my family and loved ones and how I long for each and every one of them to experience this kind of faith.  I realize everyone is different and at different levels in their own lives when it comes to faith but I can't help but long for others to truly experience it as I have.  When you walk in faith and take your life one day at a time just know that the enemy will try and stomp on your dreams.  The enemy will try and squander your faith because that is what he does best and he does not want us to be close to God.  We cannot see God as Moses once did and we cannot walk with Him as Peter once did, but we can have faith that He is who He is and He has been here all along.

1 Peter 1:8-9, "Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

Baby news:)

Went to a check up today and baby is doing awesome!!  We are at 25 weeks and all is terrific!  Eric and I have 1 more ultrasound coming up before Christmas.  I am sending out baby announcements in the next few weeks which will reveal top secret baby information.  So for those of you that do not want to know if baby is a boy or a girl, don't open it:)  Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving:)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Volume II

I have had a few people ask about my books and I am pleased to say that Volume II of The Silent Fight is finished.  However, we need to print it.  I will keep everyone updated on that and just to let everyone know you can pre-order it.  

Baby Baby:)

Well, it's official we're having a ..........................BABY:)  Thought I was going to tell didn't you:)  Actually, there are certain family members (I won't name any names...Mom, Paula)  that don't wanna know if baby is a boy or girl so I can't say just yet, I guess they want to be surprised:) Anyways, we are 21 weeks, baby and I are spectacular!  I am in the process of getting the nursery ready:)  Until next time........

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Baby News:)

We are 18 weeks today!!!  Everything is going great and we have our 2nd ultrasound on Oct. 28th, 2008.  At that time we will meet Baby Girl Timm or possibly Baby Boy Timm:)  I am counting down the days, we can barely wait!  Thanks you to those of you who are praying for us, we truly appreciate it!  Stay tuned...... 

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Do you trust God?  Do you trust Him with this present day?  Do you place your future in His hands?  I believe He wants His creation to take life one day at a time and to trust Him even when things are upside-down.  It's hard, I know because I've done it and I will continue to live this way.  I think one thing we need to remember is that what seems to be upside-down to us, may not be upside-down to Him.  He sets crooked paths straight and redeems those that love Him.  Trust Him, He knows what He is doing.

Psalms 28:7 "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped."

Baby Update

On September 16th, 2008 we had our first ultrasound!  It was amazing to see our little baby moving around in there!  Not sure of the gender as of yet but we will find out at 20 weeks:)  The more we can be prepared the better for our little person:)  The doctor says that everything is healthy and going great; this is just what we have been praying for.  Thank you Lord!  Also, the heartbeat was strong and the most surreal experience of our lives.  We knew we were pregnant, but on the 16th of September it all became REAL!  We are grateful!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Beginnings-Part II

What does a new beginning feel like?  It feels like someone has just brought you from death to life.  It feels fresh and not only that but it gives you a new perspective on your life.  It's a chance to start over and to take back what has been stolen from you.  It is moving into unscarred territory and finally beginning to walk through the chapters of your life that are not written by yourself, but chapters that are written by the "Great Author".  It is what God wants for those that will only let Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  

Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Beginnings-Part I

7 is the number of completion, 8 is the number of new beginnings.  After 8 years of marriage, my husband and I are headed towards very exciting and beautiful new beginnings; we are going to have our first baby or babies!  God has blessed us and He continues to do so no matter how many stones are thrown our way.  My faith has grown, his faith has grown and we have grown together stronger and stronger each day.  We are looking forward to the days ahead and can't wait to see where God leads us.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What is Word Painting you may ask?  Word Painting is the fusing of the narrative, the descriptive, and the dramatic to illustrate the metaphorical journey toward the discovery of self.  

All of us, young and old, are on an endless journey and it just so happens that most of us have yet to discover who we truly are.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can be a frustrating, lonely and an unsatisfying task.  My Word Paintings are written to aid readers in their own personal journeys, that they may discover their true identity.

Volume I of V of my devotional series, "The Silent Fight," is finished and available to order.  This volume takes my readers on a journey of physical, emotional or spiritual healing.  If you have something you need healing from, I believe that God wants to meet that need no matter how great.  Ultimately it is up to Him to answer our requests, but as it is written in James 4:2, "You do not have because you do not ask."

Feel free to check out Volume I on my blog and ask me questions about it.

Monday, May 12, 2008


This is an exciting day for me because I finally have my very first blog, thanks to my amazingly talented husband!  It's kind of like going from childhood to adulthood in a way:)  Anyways, as you read through my day to day blogs you will find out more and more about what I have been writing for the past 2 years among various life experiences.  Wait a minute, did I say day to day? What I meant to say was, as you read through my weekly blogs.  I mean, who has time to do this every single day?:)  Feel free to leave comments and ENJOY!

Sent from Danielle's iPhone.